Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 weeks

fourteen days down. somehow i've managed to not spontaneosly combust. my wallet has not yet barraged me with abusive language. i have been able to somewhow bypass countless stores trying to lure me in without any incidence. of course it may have been because i was so engrossed with my oven hot, mouthwatering chocolate croissant. it could have been that in this state of bliss, i would not have noticed a divine, lush forest green tweed coat even if it was threatening to have a showdown with me.

they say that when you give up one addiction you just replace it with another.....i have noticed that whenever i am in the vicinity of great stores i have been indulging my belly with let's say not the healthiest eats. hmmm.... perhaps subconsciously i'm trying to sabotage my feat and i will eat my way into having to buy a new wardrobe.


  1. I am sooo excited that you have decided to document this upcoming year of your life. I believe it will be a year of challenge but also sweetness, as the things of this world fade and God reveals Himself afresh in your life! I am looking forward to reading much more! :)

  2. I have to agree with the previous comment. I am quite shocked that you have decided to take on this challenge, but I wish you only the best as you begin this difficult journey. I hope to find inspiration from you and gain insights since this is an area that I need to learn to give over to God. I spend much more than I need to and buy things that only end up cluttering my life within a few weeks of their purchase.
