Friday, August 21, 2009

modeling an image

trendy, hipster, sophisticate, chic, retro, punk. like it or not, you will be categorized into something. that's why we strive so hard to make ourselves "look" a certain way. we want to put forth an image. so we buy what we think will make us into something we are not, thinking that we will become "cooler, chicer, etc." i know one reason fashion enticed me so much was because you got to become something else, something that without that shirt or those pairs of boots you wouldn't be.

so i ask you, what image do you model? what are you stiving so hard to be?
"keep thyself unspotted from the world," i read the other day, from james. although i don't think it means you shouldn't not look like the world (physically speaking), i do believe when we strive to look like the world, you blemish yourself. if i try so hard to wear the latest fashions and am constantly looking to see what is the hottest new item, my thoughts and energy is devoted to something that isn't beneficial. when i look at jesus and the life he lead, there is nothing referring to his physical self. he was an ordinary man, nothing about his appearance stood out; the bible tells us he wasn't esteemed. jesus never tried to be something or look something he wasn't. his whole identity was characterized by his actions, his words. this was his whole being. he modeled an image of love; in fact not even an image- he was love. this is what i want to be labeled as, love. when others look at me i don't want them to see cool or trendy, but i want them to see love.

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